Friday, April 4, 2008

After all is said and done!!!

Well guys we had the official launch of the magazines!!! it is finally up for grabs so you can send an email to to grab ur copy cuz its selling out pretty damn fast.

Anyways lets set the business talk aside and talk bout wuts been going on with us since the release. The last 2 weeks before the launch was pretty much the most stressful days of my life! What didn't i experience....from ups to downs, disappointments to successes, failures to breakthroughs....we experienced them all. I mean there were times where i would sit down and just start laughing for no reason, i was literally going CRAZY! There were soo many odds against us im still trying to figure out how everything came to pass...actually i do the grace of GOD.

There were a couple of things dat happened that we were like "its a lie its the devil" and started to rebuke it lol but yeh very few people will understand what went down and its one hell of along story to start typing out so u can holla at me personally for a full break down. Neways i really want to thank all those that came for the launch party it was such a success!!! Heres a video of the event below.

Well there was fashion show, raised some money, people from different age groups showed up, people from all over canada showed up as well woot woot!! and last but not least we completely sold out of 100 autographed copies on the day of the release!!!!

The magazine is GREAT, i didn't even know how great it was untill i saw it in print. It was pretty phenomenal seeing something you have worked so hard for finally come to life. We also surprised everybody cuz nobody expected a 2 cover magazine!!! NO U DIDNT! So we are officially the only 2 covered African magazine in the world!

This edition was great but we promise to bring bigger and better things in the rest to come, we have too many great ideas now its time to bring them to life. I see good things for the summer, photoshoots outside, nice bright colours, very bright makeup, and expanding our editorial features beyond Nigerians. I am sure alot of you are not aware of this but we directed majority of the photoshoots for the magazine so if you have any ideas that u would love to see come to life send us an email to

I'm gonna leave y'all with one thing..."DREAMS DO COME TRUE"


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wot wud i like to see in the summer issue hhhhmmm... ME IN THE PAGES AGAIN .. duh lol ( but for real it was loads of fun guyzz)
