Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Its all about the Benjamins Baby!

Ok..guyz..I know its been ages since we last spoke…we apologize for the “silent treatment”..but thank you guys for not giving us “silent treatment” as a lot of you wonderful people have been asking if/when the magazine is coming out.

Is the magazine still coming out?? The answer is YES, YES and YES!!! It is!! We are still working on it..I had no idea it was this harrrrd to get free money…134ElitZ is being stalled by lack of money..we are really trying here…but in order to bring you the best, we need some sort of sponsorship which apparently does not grow on treeees..wow!! No body told me that 4months ago…but I guess the yahoozee guy said it best..whats his name?? uhmm…oh shoot!!! I think I’m losing my mind here..Olu Maintain!!!! its all about the Benjamins baby.. that’s whats stalling us….IGHO!EGO! OWO NAIRA! DOLLAR! Whatever you call it..i dont know buh i do know that lack of it is a B****!

Right now, ‘m ssooo flustered and frustrated….I honestly think ‘m losing my mind..’ve been on a chase literally BEGGING for money..”come today, come tomorrow “ is the order of the day.

Yesterday, we took a trip to Toronto to meet with a potential sponsor who was our last hope ..well, long story short, we were given a job not FREE money!! Well I guess, there’s really no such thing as free money but how are we supposed to publish a magazine with our measly monthly pocket money??

I know I sound like a whiner right now but I really am downplaying the hardship we’ve and personally I have faced these last few months esp now that the magazine is due to be launched. Keep in mind, I still have to deal with school work and maintain a good grade.

Anyhoo, I thought I’d let ya’ll on our ever challenging and hard times, so if you see me around walking and talking to myself, ‘m alright…do say hi ..I might not have noticed you even if I look like ‘m staring right at you..‘m probably 5000 miles away.

However, its not all storms..a lot of wonderful things have happened …a lot of bright ideas are borne in my heart evry day..I feel like ‘m gyrating closer to my greener pastures evry day..I feeel a lot of joy and happiness and inner peace…despite the dissappointments and let downs, God just always has his ways

Now that you know whats stalling the publishing of the magazine, pls say a prayer for us and GIVE US MONEY!!! You will be blessed by it..Nothing is too biig or too small.Its for the betterment of all of us..We give young talents a platform to blossom. Every young person who’s using their talents/gifts for the betterment of mankind and has no opportunity to shine, we provide the avenue and exposure they need. To read more about our mission and our vision, pls contact us at 134elitz@gmail.com or 134elitz@134elitz.com

To contact us about how you can be of help to us or how we can be of help to you. Please email us at 134elitz@134elitz.com.

Anywayz darlings, let me get back to doing some work…we shall remain hopeful and positive..we have no choice. Thanks for the good words of encouragement and support.

By the way, the magazine is looking extremely fantastic right now..you will not be disappointed.

1 comment:

Eni + Anu said...

I'm soo proud of you girls. I would have contributed but silver and gold I have not, LOLLLLLL...

Come and take me out. I'm dulling.